Hi all,
Today post is about D.I.Y.
Let's do it.
This diy only take 10 minutes to complete 10 pair or chopsticks.
Let's sttart.
Make sure you have this item:
1) chopstick
2) nail polish turqoise
3) nail polish got glitter
4) nail sticker
5) salotape
Cut the salotape according to your desire. As for me, I put 1 inch on the top.
To make it it more unique, color with nail polish. It takes 2 minute to dry.
Aftee that, layer it with nail polish got glitter.
Let it dry again.
2 layer nail polish make your chopsticks look gorgeous.
After dry, put the nail sticker in the middle of the salotape. Make sure the sticker that you choose is one pair.
Then use the wire to tie both.
Tadaaaa done.
Now you may try it at your home with kids.